Steve Jobs was only exaggerating a little when he said that the iPad was a magical piece of technology. The only downside is that it can take a good amount of time to learn all there is to know about using it. By following these tips, you will quickly become proficient.
Buying an iPad is a great way to increase any kind of company that you have. It is a great way to bring in new business because it shows that your company is modern and progressive. If you are looking for this kind of client, then pick up an iPad.
Take the time to get to know your iPad’s settings. Apple has provided a wide range of options to make your iPad extremely customizable. Changing your settings can make your iPad a lot more fun to use and it may even become faster and easier to use. It is worth is to take this time and learn it.
It is a good idea to turn off your iPad’s push mail. A lot of mail accounts default settings go to Push as a delivery mechanism. This automatically will push your new mail as soon as available. This can be distracting and interfere with what you are working on. Turn this feature off.
Your iPad will not charge through a USB port unless you have a high power port. High power ports are usually found in the back of a desktop computer and most laptops do not have one. This also means that USB docks will not charge your iPad unless you own a powered dock.
Before allowing your children to use your iPad, restrict access to adult content. Under Settings, navigate to General and then to Restrictions. Select the Enable Restrictions option. This setting can protect young eyes and ears from explicit language and mature content in apps, games, podcasts, movies, TV shows and more.
You can use a keyboard with your iPad. Some people love their iPad, but miss the actual keyboard. The good news is that any Apple wireless keyboard will work with it. It will also work with any keyboard that uses Bluetooth. There are some iPads that already have a handy keyboard built in too.
Use Folders. You can now put folders on your iPad. Simply press down on one icon until it begins to jiggle, and then place it “on top” of another icon. You will then create a folder that includes both of those icons. This can be a quick way to organize all of the things you have on your iPad.
Have you ever wondered how many apps are running on your iPad all at once? This is valuable information to keep your iPad running efficiently. All you have to do is to double tap the home button, and a list will appear. Tapping on each one can pull the app up, and swiping downward can remove the list.
iPads provide technology to anyone who can afford them. There are endless applications available for download and nearly any feat can be accomplished if you know where to look. Familiarize yourself with the different features of your iPad by applying the tips you just read.